Avison Young Commercial Real Estate Services, LP (“Avison Young” or the “Advisor”) has been engaged by Ernst & Young Inc. (the “Receiver” or “Vendor”) to offer a 100% freehold interest in the Action Flooring Building (the “Property” or “Offering”) located at 6810 – 50th Street, Edmonton, Alberta. The Action Flooring Building is a small bay mixed-use property with 57,221 square feet of leasable area on a 4.22 acre site. This opportunity is ideal for a business seeking to occupy the building. It contains office, retail showroom, and warehouse space with 10 loading doors. There are approximately...
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6810 50 Street NW is a in Edmonton, Alberta. It is estimated to be 62721 sq ft and built in 2020. 0Assessment growth for this is +17.08% annually, with a total growth of +$5,549,000 since 2016.