Mayerthorpe Retail Centre is recently constructed, and consists of 4,400 square feet of leasable area on a 1.28 acre site. Anchor tenants by Tim Hortons and Subway, in addition to a long-term land lease to UFA, provides excellent income stability from strong covenants. The Property is located in Mayerthorpe, 136 kilometers (75 minutes) northwest of Edmonton. Situated along Highway 43, the site has prominent exposure and access from the main thoroughfare, benefitting from over 7,500 vehicles per day (2024) travelling east and west bound. The Property provides an attractive income stream with a ...
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4819 42 Avenue is a in Mayerthorpe, Alberta. It is estimated to be 2124 sq ft and built in 2021 with 3 baths and 5 bedrooms. 0The most recent HonestDoor Price for this is $311,100 and was last estimated on Sep 10, 2024. It is estimated that it would make $80 per day on Airbnb and rent out for $1550 per month.