Element 42 Luxury Storage Garages, centrally located off Blackfoot and 42 Ave SE. Amenities included in condo purchase are: Exclusive oversized wash bay that fits trailer, boats and RVs, lounge/clubhouse access, remote gate and remote overhead door, 24-hr surveillance, and more. Only 5 units remaining. Carbon unit sized at 1,250 Square Feet, and Titanium unit at 4,000 Square Feet. Plumbing rough ins in place to transform your space into whatever your dreams desire. Quick Possession. Inquire today!
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4412 9 Street SE is a in Calgary, Alberta. It is estimated to have been built in 2023. 0It last sold for $663,235 on May 17, 2022. Assessment growth for this is +18.34% annually, with a total growth of +$2,952,500 since 2005.