Office Condo For Sale or Lease Westmount Place is a commercial/residential condominium building with four stories of commercial office space on the lower floors. Its west end location allows for easy access and egress to and from downtown. The mixed-use building provides a unique offering of amenities not found in any other Calgary office condo buildings. The building is three blocks from the Plus 15 walkway, one block from the LRT line and surrounded by many amenities including Shaw Millennium Park, Contemporary Calgary, The Comedy Cave, and Loophole Coffee Bar.
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277 1100 8 Avenue SW is a in Calgary, Alberta. It is estimated to have been built in 1979. 0It last sold for $789,000 on Oct 11, 2006. Assessment growth for this is +4.44% annually, with a total growth of +$595,500 since 2007.